Expedition : Huge manta ray approaches diver she recognize, asking for help

You won’t get the chance to see scenes like this too often, as a massive manta ray approached a group of local divers to ask for help. The divers noticed there’s something unusual with the large creatures, so they started to swim their way to the manta ray, known as Freckles.

However, the marine creature left the divers astonished as she literally asked for help, as soon as she spotted the group. They soon realized she’s need of help as one of them spotted she got fishhooks stuck underneath its eyes, 7 News reported.

The whole incredible scene was captured on camera and then shared on Facebook. “We were really lucky in that we saw a manta nice and early, and quietly slipped into the water to spend some time with it,” photographer Monty Halls wrote in a Facebook post.

The divers admitted that Freckles acted as she recognize the group’s guide, Jake.
“After a few minutes, we noticed that it had some fish hooks buried beneath  right eye, and was repeatedly presenting itself to our guide Jake. This wasn’t my imagination, again and again it came back, turned over, and paused in the water, and – plainly – was looking to us to be helped,” Halls told 7News.

Thankfully, after “several attempts,” Jake managed to remove the fish hooks. “Finally, he managed it [to remove the hooks], and the manta settled quietly on the bottom and stayed with us for a wee while. It was an extraordinary half hour or so, and such a clear illustration that these animals have intelligence, trust, and a strong association with folks who treat them with respect,” Halls wrote. The scene took place at Ningaloo Reef, at about 750 miles north of Perth. The place, known as one of the biggest near-shore reef in the world, is home for countless manta rays.

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