The viral video shows an suddenly sweet scene in the middle of all the chaos and fighting one group of dogfaces posted to defend Ukraine introduce their newest novitiate, a pup named “ Rambo.” The dogfaces took Rambo in after chancing him on the road. “ We felt sorry for him. It was indurating outdoors,” the dogfaces explain in the video.
“ We took him into our post, and he stayed with us.” While the bitsy canine does n’t look like he’s important of a dogface, the troop says their new companion has been helping them out, acting as their “ protection.” “ He’s our watchdog,” a dogface explains.
“ He can hear veritably well if there’s a foreigner hard.” “ Rambo is doing a good job! Stylish doggo.” It’s a sad memorial that in the middle of this conflict are just regular people assigned with defending their country, the kind of people who’ll still take the time to look after a sweet canine.
A canine’s love can be a important thing, and hopefully Rambo gives these dogfaces a morale boost to help them through this dark hour. “ It that kind of emotionally charged situation, any relief is welcome I ’m sure,” one comment on Reddit reads, after the videotape went viral.
“ A pup is an amazing thing. I unfeignedly hope nothing gets hurt.” “ I hope with all my heart that both he and the dogfaces he guards noway have to work,”