Untouched Time Capsule: Abandoned for 40 Years! 1972 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser

Prepare to be amazed as we uncover the extraordinary story of this 1972 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser, left untouched and forgotten since 1980! Dressed in a captivating blue and white exterior, this vintage gem has traveled all the way from Texas to Hudson, New Hampshire, as confirmed by the seller. Last registered over four decades ago, this Vista Cruiser has been brought back to life with a range of replacement parts, now running and driving remarkably well. With its never-restored interior and engine compartment, this Oldsmobile presents a golden opportunity for buyers seeking a restoration project. Despite over 60 watchers, the $18,500 Buy It Now option remains untouched, but perhaps the Make Offer button will unlock an extraordinary deal.

Step inside and be transported back in time. The Vista Cruiser’s bench seating offers seat belts for a rare six passengers across two rows, a feature rarely found in today’s vehicles. While the wood or plastic steering wheel cover may need an upgrade, one notable upgrade is the working air conditioning, blowing “ice cold” as stated by the seller. Prepare to experience a nostalgic journey with this well-preserved interior.

Embrace the utility of this magnificent wagon as you realize its vast cargo space. Anything that doesn’t fit in the cavernous cargo bay can be securely lashed to the top, adding an extra level of versatility. The 1972 model of the Vista Cruiser boasted an additional five inches of wheelbase compared to the Cutlass sedan models it was based on. Take note of the elegant side profile, featuring the distinctive combined brake and taillight module that echoes the gracefully upswept bumper end. Your suburban neighbors of lesser means may have settled for the Cutlass Cruiser without the mesmerizing glass roof panels, silently envious every time this beauty was parked next door.

In the era of distinct V8 engines across various GM divisions, the Oldsmobile “Rocket” 350 V8 and its counterparts powered numerous mid-sized GM vehicles, including OldsmoBuicks, full-sized cars, and trucks. While the option for a larger 455 cid V8 was available from 1970 to 1972, this Vista Cruiser features the reliable 350 V8 engine, providing ample power and reasonable economy for a classic of its size and age. Despite being a mid-sized wagon during its time, the Vista Cruiser boasts a larger cargo floor than most modern pickup trucks. Its unique ability to effortlessly transform passenger space into loading space by folding seats adds to its undeniable charm. Although the plastic finishes have seen better days, a little cosmetic TLC could easily revive their former glory. Where does the remarkable Vista Cruiser rank on your list of awe-inspiring wagons?

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