Woman clings to her horse for three hours after 900 lb animal gets s.tu.ck in the mud

Soooooo happy they managed to save him! 💚

Astro, who weighs 900 lbs, had got [stu.ck] in the mud on an afternoon ride in Melbourne, Australia.

Nicole’s daughter Paris had joined her on her ride and her horse had also got [stu.ck]. Nicole was able to free Paris’ horse but not the larger horse Astro.

Efforts to free Astro caused him to get [stu.ck] even more, so all Nicole could do was try and keep him calm until help arrived.


Paris was able to call for help and Astro was se.dated while a harness was attached to him so a tractor could pull him out.

Nicole said it took three hours for rescuers to pull her horse to safety.

Fire lieutenant Roger Buckle, who helped to pull the horse to safety, described the mud like [qu.ick.sand].
Thankfully Astro suffered only deh.ydration and some [mu.scle so.re.ness].


Thank goodness they were able to rescue him. I’m so happy there was a happy ending and more wonderful rides.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Are we just going to ignore the fact that this is 100% the same thing that happened to Artax in The Never Ending Story?

Watch the rescue in video below:

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