Hilarious Shelter Dog Steals The Spotlight During Live Weather Forecast

The weatherperson’s face is priceless when he realizes the huge dog has bit through the leash and is now free 🤣

Featuring adoptable dogs on the local news is a brilliant idea. It’s a great chance for thousands of people to see some shelter dogs while watching the local weather report.

Many stations perform this service, thus helping homeless dogs find families of their own. It’s a win-win for the pups and people interested in rescuing a dog. Sometimes the dogs are nervous when they make their on-screen debut but others are cool as a pupsicle.

No one really knows how a shelter dog will react in such a unique environment. But, this special dog really stole the show. No one anticipated the hilarious antics of a Ripple, who took the opportunity to prove that he’s a fun guy just looking for someone to play with.

When the Edmonton Humane Society brought their shelter dogs down to the station at Global News, weatherman Mike Sobel, was assigned Ripple. The plan was to give the weather report while holding Ripple’s leash.

It started off calm with Sobel beginning his weather report while hanging on to the end of Ripple’s leash. Well, Ripple is a big guy, a brindle mastiff mix. He decided to have some fun. With Sobel trying to share the weather news, Ripple decides to steal the spotlight by trying to engage Sobel in a game of leash tug.

As Sobel talks, Ripple tugs. The two are hilarious and clearly, this is a game that Ripple enjoys. When he’s not trying to play tug, he’s chewing on his bright red leash that Sobel now has wrapped around his fist as he tries to hang on.

Sobel actually does a pretty good job of delivering the weather since he’s being jerked all over the place. He laughs and takes it all in stride, even when the giant Ripple jumps on him. But, the expression on his face is priceless when he realizes that Ripple bit right through his leash and is now free on the set.

It doesn’t get much funnier than this. And, great news, either because of, or despite his antics, Ripple was adopted! Yay, Ripple. Please share this funny dog with your family and friends.

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